A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Chapter 65: The Leviathan.

Chapter 65: The Leviathan.

[You have your duty to fulfill and Kargryxmor wouldnt be thrilled to see his descendent in whatever state you were planning to put her into,] a low, bellowing voice resounded through my head which seems to belong to the giant crocodile-head [Vellestra Leviathan]. ["Furthermore, have you forgotten about your two subordinates? If the young dragoness was able to inflict this much damage on you, then what would happen to the ice wyverns?]

Hearing him mention the two [Drifting Snow Wyvern], I turned my head back to the area where Astalos took all my fire spells head-on, without trying to avoid it. What stood before me was a trembling ice wyvern whose wings were burnt pitch-black, as if they were turned into coal.

It was holding its wings up like a shield, protecting the unconscious ice wyvern behind it. While it managed to prevent any harm on the other wyvern, the absolutely dreadful state that his wings were in and how his body was having trouble standing up made it clear that it paid a heavy price for its gallantry.

Those wings need immediate help, if they wish to ever touch the sky again.

[Hmm, their situation is quite dire, that I can understand great ocean dragon, however, isnt only one of us needed? As we can see, Princess Hestia Atsuko cannot fly but I am enough to aid her,] Astalos, the leading wyvern, said coldly, dismissing the state that his two subordinates were in. [The boy showed too much sympathy for his failed sister and his confidence to face a true dragons flames, a girl that shares our lords blood, was admirable, but utterly foolish. Im proud to have seen his determination.]

T-This-What sorta sicko is this guy?!

I know I have no right to say this as I am the one that caused it all, but I-I just cant stand the fact that that wyvern said all those things towards them. It looked like he was celebrating that the ice wyvern was able to survive my attacks, instead of being worried about his still depleting Health.

I dunno. It just rubbed me the wrong way, made me feel uncomfortable at hearing those words but what could I do? We're still in a pretty bad situation despite the leviathan having stopped Astalos' attack.

The lizardmen were cowering and screaming like the world is ending, while Saoris Stamina finally has dropped to zero. She was keeping herself on her legs but her heavy breathing and trembling legs told me enough that she couldnt keep fighting anymore.

Shes been pushing herself far too much today, especially with her solo duel against a full Health [Drifting Snow Wyvern]. I cant expect her to fight any more than this.

However, what am I supposed to do? The only one left to fight with me was Tasianna and she was getting overwhelmed through stats here. Astalos status board was nullifying Tasiannas efforts, regardless if it were offensive or defensive.

And then there was me. Ive been spamming spells like crazy and I certainly can feel that arcane corruption was starting to build up, seeing as my body was feeling oddly cramped and how something inside me wanted to make me stop casting spells. Mana itself was also slowly becoming a problem too.

I poured in a ton of mana to make [Imperial Hellfire] work but holy fucking goodness, that DIDNT WORK AT ALL. AHHHH, WHY DIDNT IT WORK!

Tch, I made sure to recite everything in Common tongue and I also did my best to imagine the runes for my magic circle using Common tongue letters. I did everything that I learned from Tasianna and it all fumbled. My spell fizzled!

Urgh, get a grip, Hestia. Its frustrating but we gotta stop acting like a kid right now. The parallel minds will kick your mental ass, after all.

[Nonetheless, what is done is done. The law of the strong says that it is fair so I see nothing wrong with the situation. It is a shame but I will not abandon my holy oath for them. I can assure you that they wont find fault in my actions, great ocean dragon,] Astalos said in an aloof manner, completely fine with abandoning his fallen subordinates.

[Hmm, I see,] the leviathan mumbled before retracting the snake back into the ground, closing up the hole before pushing his head into the sky and turning his head aside so his eyes could meet us. [If that is the case then what do you have to say, dragon Princess Hestia Atsuko?]

Huh?! Hes talking to me now?!

[Uhhh, huh? A-Are you speaking with me?] I asked, stumbling on my own words due to how sudden that was.

The leviathan moved his head even closer to us, making it extremely intimidating as it felt like I was an ant in his presence, [Girl, your time is waning, so speak fast. In your current situation, what would you do?]

What are you trying to say to me, old man? Stop implying stuff and just say it clear and loud.

Urgh, while complaining was my first thought, I had to ignore my bratty side for a second to actually understand what his words meant. I was about to be kidnapped by a masochistic, zealous wyvern that would abandon his own subordinates at a moments notice just to fulfill a quest to earn experience; this isnt the moment to joke around, ok!

The leviathan saved the lizardmen and also stayed neutral during the whole battle. I dont have any evidence that he was my ally, but my draconic instincts told me that he is attempting to help me, somehow. I just have to understand what he means.

Girls, [Thought Acceleration] now! We need to think!

My senses slowed down as it started to feel like everything around me was going in 0.5 speed. The leviathan's eyes locked onto mine as I tried to find some sorta clue in his words but noticing that staring deeply into his navy blue eyes was similar to gazing into the depths of the ocean, I turned my head to my surroundings.

In your current situation, what would you do? he saidwell, Astalos is about to force me to come with him, and considering his size, hell probably be able to, even if he had to carry my dragon body. It would be easier for him in my dragonewt form.

There is also the case of the lizardmen that I needed to help get out of the Belzac forest. I made them a promise and I will not break it if I have the choice, however, Astalos is firmly against it. If I continue mentioning it then an "accident" might happen, although I think the leviathan would be able to defend against it.

In my current situation, well I needed to persuade Astalos. My goal is to help the lizardmen and Astalos is to take me in peacefully if it was possible. I honestly didnt want to come with him but what choice do I have in that matter?

I cant escape nor can I fight back. Continuing fighting would be futile and once Im down, hell just swoop in to pick me with his talons. Ill be dragged through the skies like a prisoner in that situation. Not to mention what he could do to Tasianna and Saori

As I continued to mull over my options, the sight of the two defeated wyverns came into my view. The male wyvern with the destroyed wings had finally fallen on the ground, lying there as he panted heavily.

Looking at the wings, the webbings were completely gone but the limbs themselves didnt look that terrible. I mean, they were still coal-black but I could only see a few spots of burnt flesh, as the scales of the ice wyvern seemed to have managed to defend against most of my fire.

It was very unlikely that he would actually be able to fly with those damaged wings butmaybe there is a possibility for him to fly again?

Hmmm, can I do it?

[Astalos!] I called out.

[Oh? Princess Hestia Atsuko, are you finally willing to drop your resistance? Oh ho ho ho, if thats the case then let us be off, swiftly,] he said with elation.

[No, but I do believe you wish for me to come with you peacefully, correct? That would make your job easier, right?] I asked.

[Hmm? Well, that is quite true, yes. Flying is already hard but having to drag your body with me would be a challenge, especially considering the distanceso, what do you mean with No?] he asked with suspicion.

[Astalos, I wish to bargain,] I announced. [You know that I made my promise with the lizardmen and that I will not drop it. If you want me to come, then allow me to first fulfill it.]

Astalos tilted his head for a second before responding, [That is not a bargain. A bargain would benefit me in some way but that just wont. I have no time to waste waiting for you to finish that frivolous wish of yours when I can instead drag you through the skies. It might be a trial, but I consider that more beneficial for me than giving you a chance to escape.]

I hesitated for a moment to gulp down a dry spit but reaffirmed my courage as I knew that I had to, [Well, thats why I am offering my skills. My ability to heal those two wyverns from their wounds.]

[Healing? Those?] Astalos twisted his neck around to confirm that I really was talking about the ice wyverns. [Princess, you were the one that brought them into that state and now youre offering to heal them to bargain with me? Why, that is rather shameless but also completely irrelevant to me. I wont entertain your wish.]

Heilige scheie, this guy is impossible.

While I expected him to mention the fact that it was hypocritical of me to even consider healing the wyverns, it surprised me that he was dismissive about that fact. I thought he would have at least considered it if the chance appearedbut I guess that was too nave.

While I was trying to think up a reason to persuade him, Saori moved in front of me to talk to him, [Please, mister Astalos, they will die at this rate, you must allow-]

[Oh, what is that beast doing, speaking with me? Your words are meaningless so stay silent lesser being,] Astalos cruelly shut Saori down before she was able to make her point.

[How audacious! Lady Hestia is merely offering to fix the results she created so how can you not even consider that! How can you call yourselves a humble servant of the true dragons?!] seeing Saori not even given any attention, Tasianna blew up on Astalos, forgetting that angering him might be a problem.

["Hmmm? First, a beast and now an insect tries to speak with me? You were given the honor of listening to my conversation with Princess Hestia Atsuko so why must you speak up? You are interfering, can you not see?"] the pompous asshat responded.

This bastard

Gritting my teeth and scratching the ground in frustration. I was ready to claw his face at this point for insulting my friends like this, insinuating that they werent people in his eyes. He probably was thinking that anything not related to dragons was beneath him, an arrogant mindset that made it hard for me to think of a measure.

What am I supposed to do in his situation? I wanted to punch him in the face but that meant that it would justify him hitting me back.

[Time is waning. Wyvern, allow the dragoness to heal your subordinates,] suddenly dragging me out of my anger, the leviathans bellowing voice interrupted the tense situation between us.

[I honestly cannot agree to that, great ocean dragon. I believe I requested your help to ensure the safe escort of the Princess? Excuse my rudeness, but may I ask why you are so supportive of them now?] the wyvern asked with slight annoyance, hiding most of it behind a veil of formal speech.

[As we have agreed upon, I shall aid you with it, but isnt our agreement exactly what the girl would consider a promise? Why value our agreement so much if you cannot agree to have the girl fulfill hers? Within the vicinity of this swamp, no one will escape my tentacles now that I am awake once again,] the leviathan stated. [Allow her to heal your companions, appease me, and I will ensure that she will not escape you north of this forest.]

With a low growl, Astalos finally caved in and accepted my proposal, allowing me to heal his subordinates in return for helping the lizardmen escape Belzac forest.

Walking towards the snow wyverns, the intense smell of burnt scales and flesh was clear to the nose. Looking at the male wyvern, I could only ignore his stares as it made me uncomfortable to be looked at by him.

Healing the wings themselves wasnt as hard as I thought. Scratch off the burnt scales and use [Major Heal] to regenerate any lost flesh and regrow new scales in place. The webbing for his wings took a bit longer to heal as it was like trying to make somebodys whole body regrow skin. The membrane had to be strong and flexible enough as they were important for flying.

Once I was finished with that, I headed over to his sister, the wyvern that fell unconscious after I used [Lighting Bolt] on her. A couple of heals and [Cure] later, the wyvern regained all her Health back but hasnt woken up yet.

In the meantime, it seems Tasianna and Saori both calmed the lizardmen down as they came over to thank me.

["No, please, don't. I was the reason that they even chased us this far and, ergo, that meant that it was my responsibility that they nearly killed you all. I should be the one to apologize instead of accepting your thanks,"] I told the lizardmen with a frown.

Dont be too harsh on yourself, little lady. It all worked out in the end, right? You shouldnt let it annoy you that much, Caszcur responded somberly.

Yes, Casczur is right, fair-scaled one. Youre gonna help us out like you promise so you still deserve our thanks. You fought for us there, we all know that," Aksmias answered with a wry smile.

Little one, Im sorry. I-I was just overwhelmed by your sudden formI knew it, but you still frightened me. It seems I havent repaid you once yet while always causing you grief. I couldn't become your follower and I even rejected you in my heart for a moment," Apsala admitted, crestfallen. "I have sinned too much. I honestly should cut my tail for everything Ive done, especially now as it has come to the point that I wont have a chance anymore.

[Do not say that, Apsala. We might be leaving now but that does not mean we will not meet one day, again,] Saori said to reassure the dejected lizardmen. [Hestias personal goals will eventually bring us to the levianewts, so we will meet again.]

I planned to aid you in this but it seems I won't get the chance anymore," said Tasianna. "Please remember this phrase 'Dahel saehla tuilloso eir Aifli Tasianna Marina Silverpond'. This Elvish roughly translates into 'We have come with the blessing of the fairy Tasianna Marina Silverpond'. You might meet people that do not know me, but they will not treat you discourteously if they hear my family name 'Silverpond'."

Wait, is Tasianna's adoptive family a bigshot?! Well, she did tell me that they had a history of serving the royal family of the fairies but I didn't think their position was that high.

Thank you, Tasianna. Whether it was your tea, your hospitality, or even your help just now. It makes me want to laugh how terrible our first meeting was, ha ha ha, Caszcur laughed.

He he, Im also glad that Lady Hestia was able to heal that wound. It would have made me feel saddened if it was still there because of me, Tasianna agreed, reminding us that she shot an [Ice Spike] into Caszcurs hand.

After allowing ourselves some rest after the massive headache with the wyverns, the third wyvern finally woke up, which signaled that our trip with the lizardmen was about to end. The wyverns planned to have us on their backs as they transported us through the skies. Considering that we had around 50 lizardmen, this was only possible cause of Astalos, who was pretty large.

As we were sorting the lizardmen to their respective wyvern, another headache suddenly came up.

[Those two will stay. They were not part of your promise,] Astalos incredulously stated.

["What?! What is this supposed to be, huh? First, you insult them, calling them lesser beings, and now you won't even allow them to come with me? They are my friends and retainers, Astalos!"] I spoke back to the intimidating wyvern, anger seeping out.

[Retainers? Hmph, Princess Hestia Atsuko, you do require an entourage, considering you are an important personage but a wolf and insect?] Astalos scoffed at the fact that Saori and Tasianna were my retainers, before directing my attention to the two individuals behind me. [Two B ranks should be enough to defend you from most threats. Take them and throw your current ones away.]


[What is this bullshit! You cant expect me to do that! Do you even comprehend how awkward that would be? I nearly killed them, over a misunderstanding and accident. I dont even know their names as their status boards doesnt show it,] I talked back, blood boiling once again cause of this retarded lizard.

[Give them a name, then. That honor is usually reserved for our priests and priestesses but no better is the honor when a true dragon grants you a name. Ahh, I adore my name but my jealously grows knowing that you will name my two subordinates,] Astalos said creepily. ["Besides, the law of the strong demands them to not hold a grudge against their opponent. They should be grateful that you even healed them in the first place."]

Fuck this, Ill actually claw his face now!

As I was about to ignite a flame, the leviathan spoke, [Enough of this prattle, wyvern. Give her, her old followers if that is what will make her cooperative.]

Reluctantly, Astalos agreed to bring Saori and Tasianna with us but also demanded that I take the two ice wyvern siblings with me, saying that they can protect me better than my two friends.

Well, with those two, our party has finally reached five people

Ignoring the idiot lizard, we had a bit of free time until all the lizardmen boarded the wyverns, so we took this chance to speak with the leviatan.

[Mister Leviathan?] I called out for the massive monster.

[Yes, girl? I am listening,] he responded back.

[I justI just wanted to thank you for everything youve done for us,] I said earnestly.

[We were in a precarious situation and worse could have happened if you had not interfered. For that, you have my deepest gratitude,] Saori thanked him.

[Yes, I do not know what I would have done if I were separated from Princess Hestia. Thank you so very much, great leviathan. May Plesia bless you with blessed water,] Tasianna gave her gratitude in prayer.

[Oh ho ho ho, a fellow Plesia worshipper? That pleases me greatly for I have not seen another in so many years due to my slumber. You have my thanks, young fairy, for granting me a blessing from our righteous lady of the depths,] the leviathan said joyfully. [I would love to say that I did everything for you in the name of Plesia but that would be a lie, and Plesia condemns such rude behaviors.]

["The Goddess of Order, Honor, and Traditions. While she may not like lies, she condemns rule-breaking the most,"] Tasianna further added, enthusiastic as she hit it off with the massive being.

They really are hitting it off. Are all religious people like this in this world?

[Pardon, but could you explain what you meant by helping us not in Plesias name?] Saori asked. [I know it is rude to question our benefactor, but it does make me wonder why you would support us despite not knowing us.]

The leviathan suddenly turned silent before giving what sounded like a snicker, booming the surrounding with a low intimidating growl, [True, I apologize for not explaining sooner. You see, a few days ago, my senses awoke me from my slumber after my tentacles found somebody. I remember that one of them did attack you, young dragoness. For that, I apologize. In my slumber, I require food and my tentacles are the only way for me to hunt here without destroying the environment.]

That did remind me of the one time he jumped out into the air to eat some otthas. Trees, the vegetation, and probably many more things were destroyed in that area.

[Its ok, I didnt die and I believe I paid him back by destroying its eyealthough, it just regenerated it back instantly,] I said with slight disappointment.

Ever since I met that snake, Ive only experienced losses. Ive lost against the snake, the wyverns, and also my negotiation with Astalos. With my fucked up custom spell, Astalos constant speaking, and all the losses that I faced recently, I honestly feel terrible.

[Ha ha ha, that is good to hear,] the leviathan said with a wide smile. [NowI presume you three cannot see my status board, correct?]

We nodded. We didnt know his name, nor his stats. All we knew was his description. Everything was blocked behind a fat [Information is blocked].

["That means my skills are still working properly. I detest having my status board known to others, so I am glad that my skills are helping me protect my secret,] the leviathan nodded for a moment before continuing. [What I want to tell you is this.]

Through his [Telepathy], some sort of information came rushing right into our minds.

Apex Predator: Belzac Forest

A title given to the current strongest monster in the Belzac forest. Grants the owner increased experience gain within this monster-filled place

[Young garm, did you know that this title once belonged to your bloodline? The mighty S-rank [Three-Eyed Fenrir] Belzac was once the ruler of this forest and after his death, his bloodline inherited this strength,] the leviathan further added. [However, a few years ago, that title was suddenly granted to me, awakening me from that slumber. I was acquainted with that [Fenrir], who I suppose is your great-grandfather. I was surprised that such a prideful monster like him was taken down.]

[Wait, that [Fenrir] had that title before you? Was he that much stronger than you?!] I asked.

["Ha ha ha, I must disappoint you but no. I am many, many, many centuries his senior. I am old enough to have witnessed the appearance of our great origin gods into this world. I did not receive that title before his death because I never vied for it, for I was a foreigner of these woods. My home is the oceans of Plesia and I am simply living here to ensure that I gather enough strength for my evolution into an S rank. It would seem like the title has finally accepted me as a denizen of Belzac forest.]

In other words, this place was like a summer vacation home for him.

After he reminisced on his age, he continued with our original topic, [I met your mother, young garm.]

[Do you mean my garm mother? You met her?] Saori hesitantly responded. [Sorry, I actually do not know her much. She died after I was bornin an accident.]

"In an accident", yeahthank you, Saori.

[I seea shame. When I met her, I wanted to aid her but she suddenly wandered away from me. A shame but seeing as she was able to give birth to you, then I should not be worried about Belzacs lineage. You have grown into a fine wolf, and you make your title [Belzacs Successor] proud,] he said.

[So that was the real reason you helped usI guess your family saved us three from being separated, right Saori?] I joke as I looked at Saori but she didnt seem to have realized it, mulling about something.

[No, that is one reason but not the main one,] the leviathan once again moved his face closer to us, inspecting us with his giant eyeball. [The main reason is you, young dragoness.]

Flinching backward, I said me? which seemed to be the reaction that the leviathan wanted from me, [I can feel itit somehow eludes my eyes but I can feel the presence of the origin gods inside you. The light that surrounded you and your ability to heal people from such a young age made me believe that you were chosen by Aurena, Goddess of Light.]

Thats right! [System Neutrality]!

[The Light], the title that I got from Aurena recently unlocked both [System Neutrality] and [Faithful Function] after Rajah and his virigress family became my followers. [System Neutrality] made it so that it was invisible for everybody, besides for the gods and those with my permission to see it.

[[Otherworldly Reincarnator] and the blessing from Aurena and Kargryxmor. Anybody can see that the gods are planning something, although, it seems that wyvern over there hasnt noticed yet. Hmph, he is far too young,] the leviathan scoffed. [My goddess Plesia is the head Goddess of all six origin god and if somebody like her was willing to allow another [Otherworldly Reincarnator] to enter this world, then as her servant I must make an effort to help.]

Huh, I already had a good impression on her cause of Tasianna but now it got better. Plesia rocks!

[Wait, excuse me but could you repeat that? another [Otherworldly Reincarnator]?' there have been more instances just like the both of us?"] Saori pointed out to my surprise.

["Yes, but that is something of the past. I've met that person and greatness has found them in their lifespan. You two will soon learn about that person, but I will not be the one to tell you about it,"] the leviathan said with a small shake of the head. [It seems your wyvern escorts patience is waning, so our talks must end. Before I go, I would like to tell you two something. Consider ita welcome gift to Peolynca and her beauty.]

Hearing that, Saori and I began listening intently to what he has to say.

["To the young garm, whenever you reach Plesia's domain, I bid you to call me at that time. I hold onto your birthright and in respect to my late friend, I would like to grant it back to you. However, you must prove yourself at that point to me,"] he said before focusing his eye on me. [For you, young dragon princess of the dragon empire Kargryx, these words might be heresy but I believe it would be appropriate of me to warn you. Do not put all your full trust in any of the subordinate gods.]

[I should not put my trust into the subordinate gods? Wait, are you telling me that I shouldnt trust Kargryxmor?] I asked, not sure if I heard it right.

[Kargryxmor is a subordinate god of Aurena, and although he is righteous due to being the god of oaths, I do not believe he has called you to this world with a pure intention. All the subordinate gods that I know, the ones under my goddess Plesia especially, are ravenous. They seek to further their goals and quarrel amongst each other, while their leading deities are working peacefully to ensure our worlds safety. I witnessed the origin gods power when they came into our world, and in them I trust.]

The leviathan eyes suddenly sharpened, as if he was trying to remember something that agitated him, ["However, once a mortal, always a mortal. And what we mortals know since the day of our birth is to be greedy. Greedy for resources to survive, to become stronger, to be more influential. Some seek fame and honor in a mad pursuit to fulfill their own desires, bringing carnage and pain to everybody around them. The tragedy that brought my old friend's bloodline to ruins is a clear indicator of mortal lust."]

[Then what are we supposed to do then? Were about to meet Kargryxmor and youre telling me to not believe everything he says? Im sorry but that is nerve-wracking,] I admitted my personal feelings at the information that was given to me.

[I apologize if it displeases you but that is why it is: heresy. I have merely retold you what I have experienced in the long years of my life and how I witnessed the ascension of four primal beasts. Ancient beings that have reached the peak, where we are mere ants to them. How they became known to the origin gods is a story for another time.]

Stopping there, the leviathan jerked his head back before roaring out, Mooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhh!, and then dived back into the swamp, sending a geyser of water into the air, showering us like rainfall.

[I wish you good travels, Hestia, Saori, and Tasianna. May the origin gods guide you to whatever your heart desires. Remember my words, young garm, the next time we meet it will be when I have evolved into an S rank, so gain power and challenge me to regain what was rightfully yours,] with those parting words, the leviathan disappeared into the depths of the swamp.

As I quickly work through the information that the leviathan gave us, having my parallel minds sort everything for easier reference in the future, I noticed that my two companions were still staring blankly at where the leviathan once was.

[Hey, guys? You two ok?] I asked a bit of worry.

[Huh? Oh yeah, sorry, Hestia. That wasa lot to process,] Saori said exasperatedly. [That wastoo much information for me. Far too much and it is giving me a slight headache.]

[Im also alright, Lady Hestia. I was in wonderment really. A fellow follower of the goddess of water and he was old enough to witness her in her glory and beauty. I only wish I couldve asked him a few questions but, alas, I didnt want to interrupt your conversation,] Tasianna admitted with a playful smile.

[Well, we have to meet the lizardmen again anyways, so you can always ask him about the details later on when we visit the levianewts, right, Saori?] I turned to my first friend in this world, after seeing Tasianna say I cant wait.

[Huh? M-Meet the leviathan, again? W-Well, I guess it would interest me also from a historians perspective,] she said a bit absent-minded.

Worried that she was being a bit weird, I asked her about it, [Saori, is something wr-]

[Princess Hestia Atsuko, you have spoken with the ocean dragon, yes? Now that he has left, I advise that we move out as soon as possible. It will still take me the whole day today to reach there, so let us be off now,] Astalos urged us.

Knowing that I can talk about it to Saori later on, I decided to put it aside, for now, to focus on bringing the lizardmen out of the forest. As everybody slowly climbed onto the wyverns back, I noticed that the wyverns were pouring in mana into their wings.

Wanting to learn how to fly, I asked Astalos, [Flying, Princess? Hmm, it will still take a while until your wings grow large enough to carry your whole body. However, once we are in Wyvern Peaks, I will have your two new retainers teach you until you are content.]

Two new retainers, huh? I guess he was talking about the two ice wyverns. Its a shame that they didnt have [Telepathy], otherwise we could talk about itbut I think its better this way. I havent apologized yet and I also feel too awkward to do it.

Once everybody was on board, the wyverns began flapping their wings after casting wind magic to help them take off. The burst of powerful winds gave the wyverns the necessary oomph to catapult their bodies upward despite how many people they had to carry right now.

Being up in the sky again was quite the experience. Instead of feeling like I was free when I flew, it felt more as if I was on an airplane, cruising through the skies on my way to Japan or Germany during vacation time.

As Astalos said, it took until the evening for them to make it past the mountain pass that connected Belzac forest with the elven territory. Watching the sea of trees just slide pass me in a single day does make me envious. Flying was so much faster.

After exiting the mountain pass, we chose a spot close to an elven settlement that Tasianna knew about and let the lizardmen off. Saying our tearful goodbyes, especially when I had to do it with the kids, made me feel nauseous. I wanted to give the kids an idol concert but until we met again, that promise would be left unfulfilled.

Its just sadbut what can I do? They were finally out of that devils hole so I should, instead of feeling sad, be happy for them that they didnt have to suffer anymore. They were finally so close to reaching their goal.

It might have been a depressing goodbye, but I could also see the elation and relief in their faces. They were sick and tired of the forest so it made sense that they felt like that.

After giving them all their belongings back, including some of our rations to help them for a few days, we parted. With that taken care of, Saori, Tasianna, and I departed with the wyverns towards the south, intending to reach Wyvern Peaks which was among the mountain range of Aviator Peaks.


General, are you sure about what that scout told you?

"Yes, my King! The scouts spoke with the indigenous kobold tribes and found out that the wyverns were flying to the north!

"Huh, that should make it easy for us. Turn our aims up north and let no one enter the skyspace of these mountain ranges without my permission."

Permission to fire at will?

Shoot them cannons when you see them. Were gonna hunt us some wyverns.

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