Absolute Sword Sense

Chapter 316

[Episode 102: The secret of former leader Baek Hyang-mook (1)]

It happened in front of countless people.

Three unrivaled masters competing across the night sky with a leap through the air.

Every time they collided, the wind pressure and aftermath created chaos everywhere.

“Avoid blood!”



The red sword that flew out split the roadside of the castle. If the sword that one of them swung bounced off somewhere, it would not be surprising that several buildings in the castle would be destroyed.

Even when masters who reached the realm of superhumans competed, the aftermath was great, but the fight between these three unrivaled masters was on a different level.

I couldn't even get closer than a few dozen radiuses.

“How on earth is this going?”

“I don't know.”

“You can’t tell who’s winning because all you see is shadows.”

The night sky was dark and their movements were so rapid that it was difficult to even see them with the naked eye.

However, this type of extreme care was a sight that could not be seen even if one paid a premium.

Therefore, even though the aftermath was dangerous, the martial arts people in the castle were watching this battle until the end even from afar.

“It’s a real monster.”

“How dare you block the combined efforts of such world-class experts.”

Even if I couldn't see it, I could at least tell that it was a whistle.

Meanwhile, many of the martial arts people watching this match began to have doubts.

‘Why is the blood demon helping us?'

For the blood religion and the blood demons, the political faction was the enemy and enemy of Bul Daecheon.

However, a blood demon suddenly appeared and was helping the sect.

In fact, these questions have been creeping into people's minds little by little for some time, not now.

‘It's the same as sending the prisoners of the factionalists...' ‘

You said that in the Yangtze River, when Maeng and Pyo Guk were in danger from 18 enemies, the blood demon saved them.'

‘Even during this war to subdue the Blood Cult, the main unit's forces were let go.'

It was quite different from the blood religion they had known so far.

Rather than being heinous criminals, they were no different from any other martial arts group.

Other than using force to protect themselves, no movement was seen that crossed the line.

‘Has the blood religion changed?'

‘Then is there any need to risk your life to fight with them?'

Suddenly, such thoughts were blooming in the minds of some martial artists without their knowledge.

However, no one questioned these thoughts or feelings.

The fact is that this is a feeling that was intentionally brought about.

It was a car where the confrontation continued for a long time.

“Oh! Look over there!”

“He’s running away!”

The fight that seemed like it would last until someone dies has changed.

The golden-eyed being who was dealing with two people who were considered the best masters in the world suddenly stopped fighting and attempted to run away.

The martial arts people who were watching this guy cheered.


“That monster is retreating!”

The entity that suddenly appears like a disaster escapes first.

This fact made the martial people of the martial arts league enthusiastic and boosted their morale.

Inyoung, who appeared to be a small sword ship, chased the being that was running away by flying with a sword, and the person who appeared to be a blood demon also kicked the air and chased it with a bullet of the body.

It was in the meantime.


Someone appeared on the roof of a building within the castle.

He was Yeolwangpaedo Jingyun, the vice-leader of the Murim League.

After receiving the report, he hurried to the place where the head of the party was located and gritted his teeth at the sight of the three figures performing a light attack in the distance.

‘You noticed me coming.'

This is the fungus that I saw them fighting on the way here.

However, as soon as he reached the radius, the fight ended and he attempted to escape.

Because of this, Jingyun decided that he ran away because he knew that he would be at a disadvantage if he joined.

“Do you think you’ll miss it?”


Likewise, Jin-Gyun performs a gun attack.


“It’s the vice-lord!”

The martial arts people who spotted him crossing the air cheered.

The crisis that had loomed over the Murim Federation was disappearing.

There was a black figure staring from the tile roof of a building on the outskirts of the castle, about two hundred miles away.

The black figure's eyes were staring into the distance without any distraction.

Then, the existence soon dispersed like fog and disappeared.

The roof tiles where the missing being had been distorted into a strange shape.

* * *

Chaoyang in the north of Hubei Province.

There is a house surrounded by cliffs and hidden like a natural fortress.

There was a space filled with bellows and heat.

-Chaang! Chaang!

A dark-skinned man who appeared to be a blacksmith diligently struck red-hot sword-shaped iron with a hammer.

There was someone watching this with his back at the entrance of the blacksmith shop.

One of his eyes had a golden glow.

Then he turned his head with a smile on his face.

A person standing outside the blacksmith bowed her head towards him as if waiting.

At this, the golden-eyed man opened his mouth.

“No brainer.”

“My lord.”

“Have you found God’s will in all things?”

Inyoung answered that question as if she felt sorry.

“We are searching for King Yeong, but his actions are not revealed. “It seems like it’s in one of the two places.”

At his words, the golden-haired man's eyes became sharp.

“I would have told you to find him and bring him back.”

There was anger in his voice.

To him, Inyoung, who was called Brainmaster, spoke in a quiet voice.

“I returned because there were more urgent matters than that.”

“Urgent matter?”

As he looked puzzled, the man called Brain continued speaking.

As he listened to this, the golden-eyed man's brows distorted horribly.

The anger was expressed so strongly that the blacksmith who was hammering suddenly clutched his chest as if he was having trouble breathing.

“How dare you... imitate Jim?”

This was a completely unexpected situation.

I don't know what kind of trick he was pulling, but he was trying to reveal that they were the same person, but it was absurd to hear that they were working together to deal with him.

The golden-eyed man asked, barely able to control his anger.

“What happened to Gunbang, Choju, and Baekhyangmuk?”

“I watched from afar, but I couldn’t see any traces of them...”


Before he could even finish speaking, the golden-eyed man's new form arrived right in front of In-young, who was called Brainmaster.

Then he grabbed his neck and lifted him up.


“Are you just watching?”

“When I... arrived... there were already... so many people... .”

“Useless guy.”

The golden-eyed man roughly threw away Inyoung, who was called Noejang.

Inyoung, who was called the brainmaster, straightened her posture without any problem.

The gold-eyed man snorted and clicked his tongue inwardly as he saw his expression not change even though he was being strangled.

Of the three henchmen who follow him, he is the one whose thoughts are the most unknown.

There was no way I could kill him in anger as he was the only one left.

‘This guy…’

Unlike before, this incident caused a major setback to the plan.

If you're careful, Jeongsa Murim might join your hand.

If that happens, everything so far will be in vain.

‘There is no time.'

The golden-eyed man turned his back and entered the blacksmith shop.

There were five rubbings with complex patterns attached to the wall.

And there was a sword stuck in the large incense burner placed on the other side of the brazier, and surprisingly, it had the same shape as the blood demon sword.

It took over three months just to cast this. It has already

taken ‘two months and five days'

just to make that red-hot sword that the blacksmith is currently holding in place with pincers .

It took .

At least this was possible because we obtained the rubbing that King Gyeong had.

The golden-eyed man asked the blacksmith who was watching him.

“Can’t we move forward further?”

The blacksmith answered those words carefully.

“I’m so sorry, but it will take 15 days. Gwanya black iron is much more difficult to handle than other irons. If you hurry, it’ll be worse…”

“I understand.”

The golden-eyed man cut off his words, breathing heavily.

In the end, it took at least 15 days to complete this sword.

If you endure it for just 15 days, you will have a total of four swords in your hands, including two swords made of black iron that are called imitations and can be inserted into a sarcophagus, and the two swords you originally had.

‘It's not enough.'

There was not enough time.

When the sarcophagus hidden in the tomb of King Pyeong of the Chu Dynasty was revealed and the rubbings were made, it was possible to make the remaining sword with Guanya black iron.

However, it will take the same amount of time to be completed.

However, to wait patiently for this, the descendants of Geomseon were increasingly suffocating themselves.

At that time, the voice of the head of the brain was heard.

“Anyway, if Baek Hyang-muk’s life or death is unclear, I cannot receive the sword as promised. If so, wouldn’t you have to force yourself to retrieve the sword?”

Hearing those words from the brainmaster, the golden-eyed man's eyes became strange.

Why is that so?

The golden-eyed man spoke in a somewhat subdued voice.

“If Jim or you don’t step forward, we may not be able to subdue this guy. “We can no longer lose chess pieces in situations where power loss is severe.”

“But for that to happen, the sword went all the way under my chin.”

“So what are you saying?”

In response to that question, the head of the brain put his hands together and said,

“The affairs of the imperial palace were entrusted to Mongju. Please let me go. “I will return with the one remaining sword.”

The golden-eyed man was troubled for a moment.

Should I take the path of patience for three months or should I send the thunder chief to retrieve the sword, even if it means taking on a bit of risk?

But soon a conclusion was reached.

“Bring the sword.”


As soon as his command was given, the new form of the brainchild dispersed like fog.

* * *

A steep mountain range about 30 ri away from the martial arts alliance’s castle.

I was running at breakneck speed through the thick bushes there.

In fact, I could run faster than this, but I adjusted it to match someone else's speed.


After running for a while, I stopped.

There was a valley with a waterfall right in front of it.

I don't think I need to go any further.

-I've come quite far because of that person.

That's right.

While he was acting, Vice Lord Yeolwangpae also saw Jingyun appear.

So I stopped fighting at that point and ran away.

I don't know about others, but if it was a fungus that had overcome the wall and reached the level of a superhuman, it might have been noticed if it had lasted longer.

-Papa pak!

At that time, someone appeared through the bushes.

The man had red hair, was wearing a demon mask, and was covering his body with black clothing.

If you look at the outside, it was exactly the same as when I was working as a Blood Demon.

He took off the demon mask he was wearing.

He was none other than Baek Hyang-muk, the former leader of the martial arts world.

“Now it looks like we’ve defeated the Battle of the Ten Kings.”

I shook my head at his words.

I thought they would give up at the right point, but I caught up with them until they were almost 30 miles away.

Even though his capabilities were below ours, he was a great person.

Baek Hyang-muk said, throwing me a demon mask.

“I will never again imitate a blood demon like this.”

“well. “If the agreement is true, I will have to listen to you two more times.”

Baek Hyang-mook frowned at my words.

Then he asked me if I wanted to change the subject.

“Who on earth is he wearing a bast mask with a face similar to Sogeomseon?”

I shrugged my shoulders at his question.

There is no need to tell you.

In fact, the person who took on my role was none other than my father-in-law, Wolakgeom Samachak.

I knew that my father-in-law was skilled in making bast masks, but I was surprised to see that in that short period of time, he could change his wrinkles and eyebrows into a shape similar to mine.

Of course, if someone who knew me looked closely, they would have immediately noticed that it was a human face mask, but it is difficult to recognize it at night and from that distance.

-You are amazing too. Seeing how he continues to exploit that monster-like father-in-law.

It's urgent, what can I do?

However, it is difficult for me to play three roles in one person with the secret techniques of Pungyeong Palyu.

Unlike before, there were many masters within the martial arts league.

Anyway, my father-in-law who helped me split along the way to distract the attention of the fungi that kept chasing me.

-But it was stuck this way.


The ten kings' pack and Jin-Gyun both have a good sense of humor.

Anyway, didn't you get left behind?

At that time, Baek Hyang-muk spoke to me.

“Anyone can guess. If that person is right, then you, the descendant of Geomseon, are truly bold. “How did you come up with the idea to bring him to our hometown?”

“Even if I had come in, there wouldn’t have been any particular problem.”

“Even so...”

Baek Hyang-muk, who was about to say something, soon let out a sigh that was close to a sigh.

It seemed like he no longer felt qualified to blame me for anything.

He sighed and said.

“Do you think this play will work?”

“It’ll work.”

It already worked in the Yangtze River.

This time too, those who saw the vision will testify well because the Jeongyo Hwanuigyeong was used appropriately.

Of course, there is no reason to explain this part to him.

“Looking at you, I’m still not sure if you’re a descendant of Geomseon.”

Baek Hyang-mook looked at me and clicked her tongue.

It seems like he thinks it's very different from what he thought.

Actually, even if I think about it, the strategies and tactics I use are different from the usual ones.

-It’s closer to a scam than a strategy.

What if it is a scam, what if it is a strategy?

Do you think it would be acceptable to fight fair and square when dealing with an enemy who is hiding behind the scenes, controlling the martial arts world, and trying to become immortal?

“Anyway, would you like to tell me why I didn’t have that option?”

In response to my question, Baek Hyang-mook looked up at the night sky and sighed.

What on earth made him join hands with these guys?

He was the one who led the Great War to victory and established a solid political world for nearly twenty years.

There were so many things that I couldn't understand, starting with the fact that he touched the Blood Cult's martial art, Hyeolcheon Daeragong.

“I don’t think someone like you, Baek Hyang-mook, did it just because of the leader position, but did you also guarantee the safety of the Murim Federation?”

Or, it could have been a threat to the safety of his family members.

Didn't he protect Baekcheol, his idiot-like cousin, when he drove to death the daughter of Wang Cheo-il, the sect of the Neptune Sect, one of the four great sects of the Invincible Sect?

It wasn't entirely unlikely.

Baek Hyang-mook spoke as if she was embarrassed by my words.

“...Of course, that’s one reason.”

“One reason?”

“So there is another reason?”

Baek Hyang-muk could not answer that question right away and hesitated.

I don't know what kind of secret is hidden there that makes you hesitate to answer.

I told him that.

“Baek Hyang-mook, you don’t know, but I have been at odds with this man for a long time. “If they, or even Geum Sang-je himself, achieve what they want, you have no idea how dangerous it would be.”

“I already fully understand that. “If you, a descendant of Geomseon, have worked hard on everything from blood religion to martial arts as you said, then you must have an ambition to control the entire martial arts world from behind.”

“If you do it, tell me.”

Baek Hyang-mook, who was sighing deeply at my words, soon opened her mouth.

“I wish we had made a promise before then.”

“A promise?”

“I would like you to keep this quiet.”

“What on earth is it that requires silence?”

“......The reason I am telling this to you, the descendant of Geomseon, is because I believe that you may be the only opponent.”


I have no idea what he's talking about.

After looking at him for a moment and thinking about it, I spoke willingly.

“I’ll keep quiet.”

After all, both he and I have a lot of secrets.

Baek Hyang-muk, who heard the confirmation once more, continued speaking with a quite serious expression.

“I made a deal with the safety of the Wulin Federation and a secret. In return, I gave in to what they wanted.”

“What is that?”

“That means handing over a sword.”


I thought, no way.

The only swords they wanted were the five magic swords.

So, because they know my identity, they revealed it and handed over the blood demon sword?

At that time, something unexpected came out of Baek Hyang-muk’s mouth.

“That sword is a deadly and deadly sword.”

“A scary sword?”

For a moment, I was amazed.

So does that mean Baek Hyang-muk knows the whereabouts of the assassin?

I was determined to take his life because our school was already in crisis because of him.

If Baek Hyang-mook knew his whereabouts, it was good.

“Do you know his whereabouts?”

Baek Hyang-mook nodded at my words.

And he spoke in a trembling voice.

“Please keep this fact quiet.”

“I made a promise, so stop holding back.”


In response to my complaints, Baek Hyang-mook finally revealed the truth.

“The sword of fear belongs to my disciple Lee Jeong-gyeom.”

.........What is this sound?

I don't know what it means to say that Lee Jeong-gyeom has a sword to kill.

So, does that mean that he has defeated the greatest of the five great evildoers?

But then came an answer I had never imagined.

“......That child is desperate.”


? Hanzhongwolya

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