I Like Your Pheromones

Chapter 68

His voice was not high. When the people present listened, no one could speak for a moment.

Several ladies looked at each other in amazement.

After Chen Yue reacted, he couldn't help feeling in a low voice: "cow force."

His mother heard him muttering and pinched him under the table.

But she herself was so surprised that she couldn't help muttering: "how could..." it was decided so early

Jiang Yao smiled helplessly when she saw Lu Xingci's words coming to this point.

She raised her wrist and took the champagne glass at hand. Her eyes flashed over the pale Wei Xuelan and the embarrassed Mrs. Wei next to her, and the smile on the corner of her lips faded slowly.

Jiang Yao sipped champagne with an expressionless face.

Seeing that the people around her were pretending to be deaf and dumb, Mrs. Wei could only harden her head and say, "when did Xingci have a sweetheart? We haven't heard of it."

Jiang Yao saw that Mrs. Wei began to look for the steps. Her expression was more gentle, but she didn't answer.

She silently looked at Lu Xing and waited for him to make a decision.

Lu Xingci looked at Mrs. Wei for a moment: "it's been a long time."

His voice stopped, smiled and added, "it's been nearly a year or two. I really haven't mentioned it to anyone except my family."

Mrs. Wei was relieved to see him answer. A lady nearby couldn't help interrupting, "which family does that star CI like?"

No matter which Omega gets married with the Lu family, it is a high climb. Even Wei Xuelan can only barely balance her identity and status.

"It's my classmate."

As soon as they heard that they were classmates, the ladies present looked at their nose, nose and heart, and passed the young masters and young ladies of No. 1 middle school in their minds.

But apart from Chen family and Zhou family, No. 1 middle school seems to have no special aristocratic family.

Chen Yue looked at his mother's surface, but actually narrowed his eyes slightly, and seemed to be thinking hard.

Chen Yuexin said that this is the harm that your older generation is not good at surfing the Internet.

Thinking of this, he suddenly realized that he was muttering Duan Jiayan. Chen Yue quickly opened his mobile phone and, sure enough, a string of messages:


[what's the matter!!]


Duan Jiayan thought hard for a long time and came to a conclusion: [did he fight]

The news came a few minutes ago. After that time, Duan Jiayan never looked for him again.

Chen Yue estimated that he went directly to Lu Xing to leave.

Just like this, Lu Xingci lowered his eyes and looked down at his mobile phone.

Chen Yue saw that his face was a little gentle and knew who he was looking at. Compared with Wei Xuelan, who could no longer say a word, Chen Yue lit a wax for the young lady in his heart.

Those of them who have a good relationship know that whoever moves Duan Jiayan will have an accident. Wei Xuelan jumped repeatedly on Lu Xingci's painful feet.

Lu Xing delimited his mobile phone and saw all the message contents:

[Chen Yue said you were going to run away. What's the matter with you]

[did you fight]

Probably because he didn't reply for a long time, Duan Jiayan said: "do you want me to come and support you? Professional thugs are on call. It shouldn't be a problem to put down one and two."

Lu Xing couldn't help smiling.

He whispered to Jiang Yao, "I'll make a phone call."

After leaving the table, he went to a place where there was no one and dialed Duan Jiayan's number.

Duan Jiayan was standing in line when he received a call from Lu Xingci.

Chen Yue sent him a message without beginning or end. He was a little absent-minded when playing games. At this moment, his mobile phone rang. Duan Jiayan quickly withdrew from the caller ID.

He pressed to answer, and there came the voice of Lu Xingci: "you want to support me."

Duan Jiayan said.

"It's not that you don't fight anymore"

Hearing the ridicule in his voice, Duan Jiayan relaxed and had a bullshit mind: "then I can just say hi. You do it, I'll be right next to bambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambambam

Black PI just came back from going to the bathroom. At this moment, he looked at the screen: "Duan Jiayan, how did you quit the game?"

Duan Jiayan reluctantly divided a little attention to him: "call, I'll help you queue up again."

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Lu Xingci heard their conversation and combined with his noisy environment: "surfing the Internet"

Duan Jiayan said.

He was quiet for a while, but he still felt that he couldn't just forget it.

"Hello, Lu Xingci." Duan Jiayan began to laugh before he laughed. He thought seriously, "has anyone bullied you?"

Heipi was drinking coke. When he heard this, he almost didn't choke.

He looked at Duan Jiayan with a crazy look: "I found that love can really degrade people's intelligence. If you don't think about it, who dares to bully him?"

Duan Jiayan ignored him. He motioned Heipi to be quiet and waited for Lu Xingci to speak.

But the people on the other side of the phone laughed as if they couldn't hold their breath when they heard him so serious.

Duan Jiayan: "

Duan Jiayan just wanted to ask you why you laugh. I'm quite serious here.

"My mother bullied me. She tricked me out." Lu Xingci joked, "do you want to support me?"

Duan Jiayan was stunned.

He didn't count this situation.

He doesn't know much about the gratitude and resentment of those rich families in Lu Xingci's family, but judging from the tone of Lu Xingci, he doesn't think it's a big deal.

Duan Jiayan thought for a moment: "it's all right, although I really want to help you."

Lu Xing responded.

Duan Jiayan continued: "but if I end up with a bowl of water, it is easy to cause family contradictions. After thinking about it, I still don't participate."

Lu Xingci couldn't help laughing when he took himself out so frankly: "just ignore me."

"That can't be ignored." Duan Jiayan thought, "if you're not happy, I can lend you a shoulder."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone.

Duan Jiayan thought that his comfort was not in place. He was thinking about what better way to comfort him.

"OK." He heard him chuckle, "can I have another hug?"-

The continuous snowfall has brought the temperature below zero.

The winter night in the north is quiet and cold. Looking out from the dormitory, the roof of the teaching building in the distance is white.

Duan Jiayan had just finished taking a bath. He entered the room from the balcony where the cold wind roared. Song Yizheng looked down at his mobile phone, heard footsteps and raised his head: "Shen chilie wants to play tomorrow, do you want to go?"

Duan Jiayan took a coat: "I'll check the glands tomorrow."

Song Yi jumped up from the bed: "what do you want to do!"

Duan Jiayan looked at him and said, "check the glands."

Approaching Duan Jiayan's birthday, he went to check it at this time. He didn't think it was meaningful.

Song Yi was so excited that he smashed out of bed: "shit, shit, shit, shit, I won't break the law at the age of 18, right? Are you in estrus in recent days?"

Infinite good articles are all in Jinjiang literature city

Duan Jiayan: "

Duan Jiayan: "checking the glands doesn't mean you want anything. I can't check my health."

He spoke reasonably, but his expression was a little unnatural. Song Yi couldn't help laughing at him.

"You go alone." Song Yi suddenly thought of something: "the monitor doesn't accompany you."

"If he goes with me, I guess I'll have to have a physical examination at last." Duan Jiayan imagined a picture: "he made me feel like I was going to enter the ICU when I caught a cold last time."

Song Yi thought to himself that you really don't know your happiness in happiness.

"Let's call Shen chilie together." Song Yi said, "check it first and then play."

The central hospital is crowded on weekends. Duan Jiayan hung up early. The gland examination was very simple. It didn't take him much time to finish the physical examination.

The physical examination report showed that his glands had matured. Fortunately, because his stress disorder has been well appeased in the past two years, his stress disorder will gradually recover within three years.

"Son," Shen chilie gave a crooked idea: "do you want to hide this report first?"

Duan Jiayan said inexplicably, "why?"

"Poor gland development has disadvantages and benefits. If Lu Xingci knew your physical condition was better..." Shen chilie stopped his words and said slowly, "I think your situation is still very dangerous."

"Don't worry about it. He's completely letting the monitor do whatever he wants." Song Yi interposed: "on the monitor's birthday, he was drunk and asked him to stay. Xiao Duan left his house for the night without saying a word."

"Don't always follow him." Shen chilie frowned when he heard this: "Lu Xingci likes you so much that he may not be able to control his instinct. To tell you the truth, alpha is best at making progress with an inch. Sometimes I think some of my ideas are terrible."

Duan Jiayan gave a cry and smiled at Shen chili: "for example, you occasionally have the impulse to grind your teeth and wag your tail."

Shen chilie: "

Shen chilie: "Duan Jiayan, I'll talk to you again. I'm a dog."

The day before his birthday, Duan Jiayan received a message from Fu Yuan.

The other party asked him to come home from school. She sent her birthday present home

After self-study next night, Duan Jiayan returned home.

The warm yellow light tilted to the ground. He took two steps forward and just saw Fu Yuan coming out of the kitchen with dishes and chopsticks.

Seeing her, Duan Jiayan was stunned and said, "Mom, why are you here?"

"Happy birthday, ah Ye." Fu Yuan noticed the expression on his face and smiled: "I thought, you should have a friend tomorrow, so I came to celebrate for you today."

Duan Jiayan's eyes crossed the table, and several carefully cooked dishes were placed on it.

When he realized what Fu Yuan had given him as a gift, his heart softened, and the corners of his lips could not help but tilt up slightly: "thank you, mom."

Fu Yuan gently pushed his shoulder: "I haven't cooked for you for a long time. Try it and see if Mom's craft has improved."

Sitting at the table, Duan Jiayan chatted with Fu Yuan while eating.

In fact, he was not very hungry, but Fu Yuan specially came from Haicheng and Duan Jiayan tasted every dish.

"I saw the physical examination report you put on the sofa. Fortunately, your glands didn't leave any sequelae. You are a healthy adult."

Without waiting for Duan Jiayan to speak, Fu Yuan continued: "listen to Mr. Zhao, you can get on the line in your recent tests."

Duan Jiayan nodded.

"That's great." Fu Yuan said with a smile, "if we continue with this momentum and work harder next semester, we should be able to get a good college entrance examination in the end."

Duan Jiayan said, "I did well in the exam recently, probably because the topic is relatively simple."& lt;/ p>

< strong>& lt;/ strong> Fu Yuan comforted him: "that's also very good. Don't have too much pressure. Just study hard."

After dinner, Fu Yuan was simple

I cleaned up and went to bed.

Her flight is scheduled early in the morning and she has to go back to Haicheng for a meeting in the afternoon. Duan Jiayan slept in a daze in the morning. Vaguely, he felt that Fu Yuan came to the door of the room to see him for a while.

When he was awakened by the alarm clock, it was already ten o'clock sharp.

Duan Jiayan opened his cell phone and saw many people send him birthday wishes.

Song Yi's message was sent at zero point: [Xiaoduan! Happy birthday! I wish you to go to your ideal university with your monitor. Ten years later, your sisters will come to see you in the palace.]

Shen chilie: [son, happy adulthood. Dad sincerely warns you that you must pay attention to safety when you grow up.]

Duan Jiayan read it for a long time before he understood Shen chilie's meaning. He couldn't cry or laugh and rolled back.

After replying, Duan Jiayan continued to pull down. Chen Yue was very honest and gave him a large red envelope: [Duan Dao, happy adulthood.]

Zhou Xingchen's news followed closely: [Chen Yue said to plug 1800 for you, true or false]

Duan Jiayan smiled and answered the truth. After a while, Zhou Xingchen also sent a red envelope: [happy birthday Duan!!]

Heipi: [happy birthday, brother, come on for the college entrance examination.]

Cherry Blossom powder: [brother Duan!! happy birthday!! I wish you a happy marriage with your sister-in-law for a hundred years!!]

Cherry Blossom powder: [wrong, wrong, I wipe it. I wish you a good marriage with that marshal for a hundred years.]


In the end, he saw Gu Li's news: [college entrance examination refueling 0.0, happy with brother Lu!]

Duan Jiayan read it one by one and was happy. He received the news of Lu Xingci: [wake up]

He and Lu Xing have decided to leave. On their birthday, they go to lunch first, watch a movie in the afternoon, and go to a new shooting gallery if they still have energy in the evening.

Duan Jiayan woke up and the news of Lu Xingci was sent quickly: [I'm downstairs. Wear thicker. The temperature is very low today.]

Duan Jiayan got up from bed.

He pulled his slippers to the French window and leaned out slightly. Sure enough, there was a familiar figure downstairs.

After watching for a while, he ran to the bathroom to wash.

When Duan Jiayan went downstairs, Lu Xingci stood under the street lamp at the door and looked down at his mobile phone.

He was tall and straight in a black coat. Hearing Duan Jiayan's footsteps, Lu Xingci raised his eyes.

The boy has long dark eyes and a clean and handsome face.

Duan Jiayan looked at him for a moment, jumped over two or three steps and hung it on him.

"Today is my birthday." He didn't realize that there was a small smile in his eyes when he spoke to Lu Xingci.

Lu Xing lowered his eyes and rubbed his head with his hand: "happy birthday."

"It's your turn to lick me." Duan Jiayan reminded him: "road dog."

"Well," Lu Xing said with a smile, "Happy Birthday to you."

Duan Jiayan nodded with satisfaction.

He came down from Lu Xingzhi and asked casually, "what are you going to do first?"

Although he knows today's itinerary, the specific locations are selected by Lu Xingci. The latter looked at him and suddenly asked, "are you hungry?"

Duan Jiayan responded.

"Then eat first."

After lunch, they went to see a new science fiction film.

Probably because he slept for a long time last night, Duan Jiayan was in good spirits all day. When he came out of the shooting gallery at night, he asked, "am I awesome?"

"Cow force." Lu Xingci sincerely boasted: "I have never seen such a handsome man off the target."

"..." Duan Jiayan: "that's because I seldom play this kind of shooting game. When I play it a few more times, I'll slip away like you."

Lu Xingci nodded: "when you play a few more times, the coach of the provincial shooting team should come and sign you."

Duan Jiayan was silent for a moment and couldn't help laughing: "I blew too much, brother Lu."

He smiled, lowered his head and sipped hot milk tea. Duan Jiayan's voice was vague because he was biting the straw: "where are we going later?"

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"Give you a present."

Duan Jiayan was surprised.

He thought his birthday present was a date on this day, but he didn't think there was anything else to give him.

As he approached his destination, Duan Jiayan looked out of the window. People come and go here in Nanshan square. The grand music fountain is unpredictable and filled with colorful light everywhere.

Nanshan is the most prosperous business district in Ningcheng. The last new year, they spent it on the side of Nanshan.

Duan Jiayan joked, "do you want to take me to see the fireworks?"

Lu Xingci smiled and shook his head.

Getting out of the car, Duan Jiayan raised his eyes and looked around. This is the most upscale residential area in Nanshan, and the price was once fried to sky high. He remembered that he Cheng also bought a house in Nanshan, but he could only buy one block away.

He followed Lu Xing to the elevator.

After entering the door, the huge apartment space is spacious. It seems that the whole house has just been renovated. There is no trace of people living here.

"On my birthday last month, my parents gave me this apartment." Lu Xingci took out his slippers from the shoe cabinet and motioned him to change them.

When Duan Jiayan came in, Lu Xingci spread his hand and put the key to open the door in his palm: "happy birthday, this is a gift for you."

Duan Jiayan was stunned.

Looking back, Duan Jiayan asked half jokingly and half seriously, "brother Lu, this birthday gift seems too expensive."

As he said, he wanted to return the key: "you'd better take the key. I don't usually come here. It's no use keeping it. If I want to come and play occasionally, I'll ask you for the key."

Lu Xingci saw that he put the key back in his hand. Instead of pushing and pulling with him, he pointed out: "I said in my sophomore year that I will give you what I have in the future."

Duan Jiayan opened his mouth and said nothing.

"This house was given by my parents, and I didn't earn it myself." Lu Xingci saw that he couldn't speak and smiled: "in the future, I will use my money to give you more things."

Duan Jiayan was quiet and said honestly, "you make me feel like I can be a jerk from now on."

"There's nothing wrong with that."


Lu Xingci looked at him for a few seconds: "I'll work harder so that you can do what you want to do happily."

"How tired you are." Knowing the other party's character of doing what he said, Duan Jiayan paused and said seriously, "the burden of life can't be on you alone. Let's share it."

"I have selfishness, too." Looking at the way he thought of himself, Lu Xingci's lips raised a loving radian and joked: "when you get used to it, will you be inseparable from me?"

Duan Jiayan was silent and helpless: "you are really..."

Said he was gentle, as if some of his bones were still strong.

Zhibailu - bone's possessive desire is expressed in this way, which makes people unable to resist.

Before Duan Jiayan finished speaking, his eyes suddenly became hot. An electric feeling came from his brain. In a trance, he smelled the smell of his pheromone.

The smell, like a damp mist, spread boldly around.

Probably the glands are mature, and this time the body's response is stronger than ever. His estrus period is indeed in recent days. I thought it was so late today. There should be no accident. Unexpectedly

Duan Jiayan blinked and his breathing began to become irregular.

Lu Xingci also noticed his changes.

"There are inhibitors in the bedside table in the master bedroom." Lu Xingci glanced open his eyes and did not look at him. His voice had a hoarse meaning: "go by yourself."

Duan Jiayan nodded.

He walked quickly to the master bedroom and soon found the inhibitor according to Lu Xingci.

The body is getting hotter and hotter. Duan Jiayan's hands trembled. He reluctantly opened the lid and put the thin needle against the skin of his wrist.

When the needle was about to go in, Duan Jiayan stopped.

He is an adult.

Some inappropriate pictures slipped into his mind and realized that there was another way to solve the current situation. Duan Jiayan's brain burned up and suddenly felt dry.

He hesitated for a moment and threw the inhibitor back into the drawer.

Lu Xingci waited in the living room for a long time before Duan Jiayan's pheromone dissipated.

The fragrant smell of flowers increases instead of decreasing, like plants growing all the way.

Alpha's instinct constantly tore at reason, and the impulse of plunder and possession churned in his bones and blood. He closed his eyes reluctantly. If it weren't for the wrong time, he wanted to ask Duan Jiayan what he was doing.

Being agitated, he heard some confused footsteps.

Lu Xingci raised his eyes and saw Duan Jiayan coming out. He was surprised and said, "you..."

Duan Jiayan came out of the master bedroom and saw alpha in the living room. He almost couldn't stand steadily.

His eyes were hot and his cheeks were burning abnormally red. Duan Jiayan reluctantly stood in place and forced himself to keep his reason: "I didn't fight."

Hearing him say his guess directly, Lu Xing's eyelashes trembled and his eyes sank indefinitely.

"Do you want to..." Duan Jiayan asked half and asked him: "Lu Xingci, come here."

Omega's pheromones spread everywhere. When he couldn't protect himself, he allowed the pheromones to spread.

Unlike most Omega at this age, he is not shy in the face of his instincts.

Duan Jiayan narrowed his eyes. He really couldn't stand. As soon as his legs and feet were soft, he would fall to the ground.

When he was about to kneel down, someone put his hand around him.

The smell of lemon spread like a cold deep sea.

Lu Xingci held Duan Jiayan's face in one hand, looked at the peach blossom color on the latter's face, and whispered, "why don't you use inhibitors?"

Duan Jiayan opened his mouth.

He was already a little confused. He looked at alpha in front of him, and his amber eyes contained fog.

"Because I don't want to." He smiled. Lu Xingci listened carefully and heard him whisper, "you don't want to either."

Mingming's friends have advised him half true and half false. He can't be too used to Lu Xing's words and everything can't be controlled by the other party's temperament. If he indulges alpha without a bottom line, he may cause great things.

But I like him too much to describe.

Want to satisfy him.

I also want to be close to him.

"I checked the other day and the glands have grown." Duan Jiayan put his hand around Lu Xingci's shoulder and kissed him. The latter seemed to be stimulated and came to kiss back.

Duan Jiayan knew for the first time that Ao's instinct would be so terrible without being suppressed.

The desire to surrender dragged him down, and Omega's self-protection nature screamed to escape.

When leaving, Duan Jiayan resisted the impulse to retreat and gave Lu Xingci the greatest permission:

"You can do whatever you want." skb6wswl

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