Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 71: Prelude to The Chunin Exams - 9

Chapter 71: Prelude to The Chunin Exams - 9

Kurenai's mouth dropped at his casual dismissal of her efforts as a sensei, but before she could fire back, Asuma stepped between them, "Now now guys, let's calm down, no need to get all fired up," the heir of the Sarutobi laughed lightly, "I think my kids are pretty talented as well, which is why I'm recommending them."

Kakashi shrugged uncaringly, while Kurenai huffed and crossed her arms, "Hmph, probably just going to make a stupid joke about Naruto being the best or something anyway, despite how untalented he is." she muttered.

Kakashi's eyes narrowed ever so slightly and Iruka outright glared at the woman, opening his mouth to reply-

Only for a cough to interrupt them, "Well, I suppose this is as good a time as any then," the Sandaime drew the attention back to him, "But now that Kakashi has brought the subject up, I will be personally pushing forth a single genin to take part in the exams."

All eyes in the room whipped to him.

"Hiruzen..?" Koharu asked, looking at him oddly.

With all eyes on him, Hiruzen merely placed his hand under his desk, and the wall behind him slid apart to reveal a large screen embedded within the wall.

A second later, it lit up, displaying the ninja registration and information page of a broad shouldered, tan skinned and crimson red eyes teenager.

"Daiki!?" Iruka went absolutely wide eyed.

Unnoticed by many, Hiashi straightened up and paid special attention at the mention of the boys name.

"Kakashi mentioned him off hand, but this is Daiki Yurei, a genin I specifically have my eye on," Hiruzen explained to the gathered ninja, "Currently, he has completed sixty four D-rank missions, three C-rank missions, one B-rank mission and one S-rank mission, currently a member of the Genin Corps, he graduated six months ago and failed the exam placed by his Jonin Sensei of the time, since then, he has trained rigorously and has personally killed no less than five Jonin, one a former member of the Seven Swordsman of The Mist and beyond my dear friend Kosuke, has the highest kill count of any Genin in the village, with over one hundred confirmed kills to his name."

For a moment, there was absolute silence, before the gathered ninja once again broke into a cacophony of noise.

"Five Jonin!?"

"Forget that, a member of the Seven Swordsman, as a rookie Genin? Am I hearing this right?"

"He's gotta be kidding right? And what's with that absurd number of D-ranks!?"

"No, ignoring all that, what's a kid who accomplished all this and has the eye of the Hokage himself doing in the corps What absolute idiot failed this kid?"

Genma Shiranui near the back of the room winced, ducking his head out of view of any scanning the room.

"Daiki?" Kurenai frowned, "I don't remember him standing out much, he was middle of the pack at best within the academy, are you sure Hokage-sama?"

"You really shouldn't talk Kurenai, you mainly taught Genjutsu classes and were only at the academy for a couple of months," Iruka cut in, "Daiki was one of the most talented of the class, rivalled only by Sasuke Uchiha, the only reason he was ranked much lower was because he pursued every shinobi art at once - Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Bukijutsu, everything taught at the academy, he pursued instead of focusing on one or two like most others, I specifically noted in his examination papers that should he find a focus, he would no doubt be the best of his graduating class by far, surpassing even Sasuke."

"Eh, kid did you one better," Kakashi shrugged, "He just trained even harder, the kids a training maniac that puts Gai to shame, trains from dawn till dusk until complete exhaustion, every single day."

"Indeed," the Sandaime nodded in agreement, "Young Daiki-kun is a splendid shinobi. Physically fast and strong enough to fight a taijutsu specialist Jonin, ninjutsu capability that few can match, a massive chakra capacity, a near expert in Fuinjutsu, a very special pair of Genjutsu to his name and even capable of using elemental jutsu from every element with a variety of B and A-rank jutsu under his belt."

Nobody said a thing in response, too busy digesting what was said and none had the bravery to question the Hokage's decision.

Shock though was the most prevalent feeling throughout the room. None felt more so, than Iruka at the progress his former student had made.

Well, none that is, but Kakashi;

"By the way Kurenai, he's the one you can thank for the Hyuga Heiress' change in attitude," Kakashi helpfully informed with a wide eye smile, "He usually trains at training ground sixty-nine if you want to go thank him for doing your job for you."

Kurenai's fingers flexed, hands balling into fists, but she held her tongue instead of retorting to Kakashi's baiting, her eyes narrowed into an angry glare upon his form though.

From there, things proceeded, with the rest of the sensei's speaking up and nominating or declining their teams entry into the exam.

None spoke about Daiki Yurei any longer, despite the burning question many of them all shared: why was he being allowed to participate without a team?

But none had the gall to question the Hokage's decision.

Things only really perked up at all again when Iruka spoke up and pleaded with the Hokage for the chance to test the rookie genin teams, and would wholeheartedly agree with the decisions made by the the rookie team sensei's, if they passed his test.

The Hokage, left the decision up to the sensei's themselves, Kakashi and Asuma agreeing without a fuss.

Kurenai on the other hand:

"I'm all for it, I have faith in Team Eight," she declared, but then looked to the Hokage and bowed her head, "On that note Hokage-sama, I request the permission to test Daiki Yurei myself, I wish to confirm the skills you speak so highly of." she asked of him.

The Sandaime raised an eyebrow at her, but merely nodded, "Very well, I give you permission to do so," he agreed, "I should warn you though, not to take him lightly." he informed her, narrowing her eyes and pinning her in place with the seriousness of his gaze.

"Thank you Hokage-sama." Kurenai bowed her head, ignoring the eyes her request had drawn to her.

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