Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 87: The Chunin Exams - 13

Chapter 87: The Chunin Exams - 13

While the original Daiki was making a…deal, his clone was in hot pursuit of the star team.

Well, he said pursuit, but, they were much, much slower than him.

So he sped right past them, getting in front of them and cutting them off.

"Hello again." Daiki greeted them with a smile as they froze atop a branch before the one he was currently on, arms crossed and casually leaning against the middle of the tree.

"…How did-?!" the cute girl of the team, Hokuto if he remembered her name right froze and stared wide eyed at him.

"I'm just that much faster than you guys," his smile turned into a grin, "So you guys are from Hoshigakure huh?"

"We are," the short purple haired boy he remembered Naruto meeting as well confirmed, "…And you are Daiki Yurei, right?" he asked, hesitantly.

"Oh, you know of me?" Daiki's eyebrow raised in interest.

"We…overheard the other genin talking about you earlier during the first exam," he grimaced, "…We were hoping to avoid you actually."

"Smart of you." he praised lightly.

And it was of course. The Mysterious Peacock Method was a pretty amazing technique, but it was useless if they couldn't even get it up in time to block any of his attacks or hit him at all.

It was why the grind was the true be all and end all base to all shinobi abilities. Without the physical ability to react in the first place, all jutsu and abilities were useless.

At the end of the day, his eyes, his seals, his armour and all of his jutsu were mere supplementary support for the roaring power of his epic grind enhanced muscles.

"Speak for yourself!" the third of their team, the only only Daiki didn't recognise snarled, "He might be strong compared to others here, but compared to the power of our star chakra that all the villages covet, he's nothing!" he clasped his hands together in a modified seal, index and pinky fingers extended and touching, forming a triangular shape, purple chakra flaring at his back like a powerful flame and-

The un-named star genin gagged, eyes going wide with pain as suddenly, Daiki's fist was buried in his solar plexus.

He contorted around Daiki's fist, before his wide eyes rolled up into the back of his head and he fell unconscious.

Daiki pulled his fist free and let the boy drop to the ground unconscious, before pinning his body under his foot.

It all happened so fast, neither of the other two had a chance to even see him move before the boy was already falling.

"Seiya!" Hokuto gasped, but instead of rushing Daiki, she smartly leaped backwards her hands falling into the same hand seal, while the purple haired boy leapt to Daiki's other side and did the same, enclosing him in from both sides and forcing him to pick a target and go for them while the other could attack from behind.

Daiki didn't bother attacking either of them though, instead, he activated the Infinite Armour on his shoulder and watched with interest as purple star chakra was drawn from the boy's body under his foot up into the mouth of the Isobu head armour.

"…You're absorbing his chakra?" Hokuto gaped at him.

"Something like that," Daiki grinned at her, glancing her way, "Thing is cute stuff, that nobody really covets your little meteor thing, it's interesting and I could make use of your Mysterious Peacock Method and plan to do so, but, it's not all that great considering the drawbacks."

He tilted his head, just in time to avoid a a roaring flaming purple serpent of chakra aiming for the back of his skull.

He of course didn't actually need to do so and was just showing off. He reached out and grabbed the serpent and pulled on it, hearing a yelp behind him.

The purple haired boy who cunningly took advantage of him turning his attention to his female teammate, was pulled bodily through the air, and Daiki spun around, delivering a knee strike to his stomach.

The boy gagged from the blow, but remained conscious surprisingly, he was sturdier than his teammate, or at least had much more pain tolerance.

The follow up elbow to his skull though, smashed the boy into the ground before the chakra on his back could be formed into a shape to counter, and he smashed into the tree branch unconscious, just like his teammate.

A moment later, glowing ethereal purple ropes of chakra launched at him while he was busy with his real target of the three.

Five of them in total, aiming for his legs, arms and neck. As soon as the chakra was about to make contact with him though, the ropes lost form and broke down into raw chakra and was absorbed by his body armour.

He directed the chakra into the Infinite Armour for safe keeping.

"Get away from them!" Hokuto snarled at him.

Daiki looked over his shoulder to see that her star chakra had formed into a winged cloak around her body and she shot towards him, shooting through the air like a bullet using the chakra wings.

She punched out at him as she approached, the chakra coating her fist flaring out into a purple chakra claw, smaller, but akin to the ones he could use in his jinchuuriki cloak.

Which was promptly devoured by the Infinite Armour.

Hokuto's eyes widened and she flipped around just before she reached him, and lashed out with a flying kick aimed for his face.

The Infinite Armour slurped up the chakra around her foot, but it couldn't do anything about the physical kick, packed with quite a bit of momentum from her chakra enhanced flight path.

Huh, she was pretty smart.

It was just too bad for her that he was rather proud of his physical strength.

He caught her kick on his forearms by placing them over one another in a cross block.

The force of her kick still managed to force him back a step, which was good on her though.

Hokuto's eyes widened as he grabbed her foot-

She quickly made that hand seal she and her teammates used to initiate their jutsu and purple chakra formed into ropes on her back a moment later and lashed out at him.

Only to be devoured by his armour.

Then with his grip on her foot, he pulled and spun around, before slamming her into the the heartwood of the tree.

The bark cracked from the force of the slam and Hokuto cried out in pain, before slumping to the branch base he stood on as he let go of her.

"So you're the strongest on this team, huh?" Daiki mused, he hadn't been expecting that.

But then again, one of them was a no name and the other he remembered having his body give out beneath the star chakra training, while Hokuto herself seemed to be going strong.

Either way, he'd seen enough now to get a good feel for how they manipulated their star chakra. He had a good idea how to go about recreating the Mysterious Peacock Method now, once he got around to actually using the chakra himself.

The first was already at the barest amount of chakra left before chakra exhaustion, so Daiki left him and turned his attention to the dull purple haired boy. He had the highest and purest concentration of the star chakra due to it polluting his very body.

"W-wait," Hokuto gasped from behind him, stopping him in his tracks. He looked over at the girl to see her feebly reaching in to her equipment pouch and pulling out a familiar light coloured scroll, "If…if I give you our heaven scroll, will you leave us alone?"

That was the smart move to play right now. Offering him the target of the exam and giving up her teams chance to pass in return for him leaving them alone.

Sadly for her though-

"I've already got what I need to pass," Daiki shrugged, "I targeted you guys specifically because I wanted to get my hands on some of your star chakra, like I said a minute ago, I can make some decent use out of it. But don't worry, I'm not gonna kill you guys or anything like that, honestly, you should be thanking me."

Hokuto gaped at him, "…Thank you…for attacking us?"

"More or less, but more on the side of me saving your teammates life," Daiki grinned at her and reached down, grabbing the purple haired boy by the collar of his jacket and lifting him up, "After all, that special training you guys do around your little meteorite back in your village? It's killing you guys." he revealed, before reaching over with his other hand and pulling up the boys jacket to reveal his lightly muscled, yet rather thin torso, and the deep, purple glowing flame like markings spread all over his stomach and chest.

"What is that?!" the older girl went wide eyed, before biting her lip, coming to a realisation herself, "…Is that…star chakra? It is, isn't it? I can feel it."

"There's a reason your third Hoshikage banned the star training in your village you know," Daiki helpfully informed, "It makes your chakra much stronger and grow rapidly, but, in the process, most of you going through the training will die, these markings on his body? It's chakra poisoning, specifically, a poison known as radiation, the effects of the star seep out of your chakra network into your body and attack your organs, cells and such. Even on the one in a thousand chance you survive the training your life span will be drastically cut short and you could die at any time."

Hokuto stared at him for a moment, before swallowing heavily, "…If it's like that, then why do you want our chakra for yourself?" she questioned.

She was probably looking for any fallacy in his words, a way to deny his words.

He couldn't exactly blame her, after all, he was basically telling her, that their current village leader was putting them through training that would kill most of them.

"Because I'm amazing," Daiki shrugged, "I've developed a special little seal that will filter out the radiation poisoning from the star chakra, purifying it and making it safe for me alone to use."

"…That…" Hokuto bit her lip, shaking her head, "How do you know all this? Why did you make a seal like that for our star chakra? How long have you been planning this?"

Again Daiki shrugged, "Actually, the seal was made for something else, you guys just popped on to my radar when I saw you were here, nothing more, nothing less," he replied, "As for how I know all this? Information is power and let's just say that I've got some very useful spies that report to me all manner of things like this."

"…This isn't fair at all." Hokuto sighed in defeat, slumping against the branch, a bemused smile splaying across her face.

"Life isn't fair." Daiki shrugged and proceeded to drain the chakra from the boy in his grip. He drained the boy right to the point before chakra exhaustion, and he watched as the glowing purple markings from the chakra spreading out through his body, faded away, before letting the boy go and letting him slump to the tree branch again.

"Clearly," she groaned, "…What am I even supposed to do with this?"

"How should I know?" Daiki raised an eyebrow, "It's not really my place to help you."

Hokuto grimaced at his words, before gritting her teeth and forcing herself up on shaky feet, "That seal you have…would it be possible to trade for it?" she asked.

Daiki paused.

Now there was a thought.

He really only planned on using it for himself, but, it could be very useful to have Hoshigakure indebted to him.

They didn't really have anything of worth beyond the star itself though. And if she brought up what he revealed to her, to the people of her village, especially that stand in Hoshikage fuck, she'd most likely be branded a traitor to her village.

…But, if it went that way, he could work with that as well. A whole minor village able to use the Mysterious Peacock Method freely, would be very nice to have to help later on. But, a single kunoichi amped by the full star itself, who was indebted to him, might be even nicer.

"Hmm, how about I give you the seal, and you can show off how it works back at your village?" Daiki mused, "If you're village is interested, they can get in contact with Konoha and we'll work out a trade deal."

Hokuto blinked, "You'd do that?" she asked, surprised.

Daiki shrugged, "Think of it as a little bit of repayment for me getting rough with you guys and taking your chakra." he replied, rather gracefully if he did say so himself.

"Uhhh…okay," the older girl nodded, before smiling brightly, "So then, how do we do this?"

Daiki resisted the urge to smirk, "It'll have to go on your torso, so you'll have to take your top and any underwear you're wearing there off." he replied.

Hokuto's pretty indigo eyes went wide and her cheeks flaming red, "Oh." she uttered, surprised.

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