Supreme Swordsman of the Nine Heavens

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

Prodigy VS Grey-rank Disciple

Mu Yu and Neng Caiquan stood face to face in the ring. Neng Caiquan wore a smug look after flattering Xiaohu, a potential daoist of Green Pine Sect in the future. If smacking around a weakling to establish a friendship with Xiaohu was all it took, it was a walk in the park anybody would be enthusiastic about.

“Consider yourself lucky because I don’t plan to turn you into a vegetable. Unfortunately, I have to be careful not to hurt you. Giving you a few slaps isn’t unfair, is it?”

Hardly anyone was interested or bothered watching a one-sided beating.

“Left or right side of your face?” asked Mu Yu.

“Huh?” Thinking Mu Yu lost his mind, Neng Caiquan laughed. “Both!”

“I just noticed the left and right side of your face isn’t symmetrical. Your left side is a tad bigger than the right side. I’ll hammer your right side to even it out.”

“All right, if that’s how you want to play, then so be it! I’ll slap you a few extra times to remind you trash will always be trash. I have no idea why Xiaohu bothers with you.”

Neng Caiquan, a Foundation Establishment Realm Third Layer cultivator, didn’t even bother arming himself. After all, if he couldn’t defeat a Qi Condensation Realm cultivator bare handed at his level, he’d be incompetent. He lunged toward Mu Yu and raised his right hand, aiming it toward Mu Yu’s face. He assumed Mu Yu couldn’t keep up with his movement, let alone dodge the slap. Neng Caiquan could already imagine the slap sending Mu Yu through the air.

Since Mu Yu didn’t move, Neng Caiquan toned down his output to avoid sending Mu Yu out of the ring. It wouldn’t be any fun if it ended with a single slap. He wanted to humiliate Mu Yu.

All of a sudden, Neng Caiquan’s expression froze stiff along with his arm. He looked to his arm to see Mu Yu caught his wrist before he knew it. Slap! Neng Caiquan felt the right side of his face sting for some reason. Slap! Blood and teeth shot out of Neng Caiquan’s mouth. He didn’t get to admire his teeth as his attention was on the impact at his chest that sent him out of the boundaries and onto the ground.

“Dustfallen Sect wins!”

Mu Yu left the ring. Nobody bothered to spare a glance since somebody was bound to hit the ground. They thought it was Mu Yu who hit the ground, though.Mu Yu approached Neng Caiquen and whispered. “Your face is even now.”

“H-hah yuf not ah conhenhation rowl?” stuttered Neng Caiquan, struggling to his feet in disbelief.

“I have no idea what you just said,” responded Mu Yu, with a shrug.

As Mu Yu walked off, Neng Caiquan glared at Mu Yu’s back. Neng Caiquan wanted to put a blade in Mu Yu’s back, but there was a Golden Core Realm cultivator supervising. Mu Yu actually understood Neng Caiyuan questioned, “Are you not at Qi Condensation Realm?” It would’ve taken, at least, two clashes to finish Neng Caiquan, but he underestimated Mu Yu and made a costly mistake.

Mu Yu went on to win three more matches back to back, but still nobody paid him any attention. All of his opponents underestimated him, unsurprisingly. His sixth match was against Green Pine Sect, which was going to be a match with a big audience. Disciples always watched Green Pine Sect’s matches to try and pick up a few pointers to either improve themselves or, in the case of rival sects, find weaknesses to exploit.

As expected, Mu Yu was paired up against Green Pine Sect’s lowest-level cultivator, Xiaohu. Whether it was because of Xiaohu or Dustfallen Sect, the audience chose to support Xiaohu, who convincingly won three matches against more advanced cultivators. The spectators wouldn’t let up with the jeering.

“I say he goes down inside fifteen seconds.”

“Fifteen? Come on, three is plenty.”

“I wonder if he’ll just get down on his knees and beg for mercy.”

“I watched one of his matches. He won it.”

“Sure, the sun rose from the other side today, too. Are you a Dustfallen Sect shill?”

The reality was nobody would admit they lost to Mu Yu, afraid of embarrassment.

“Two years ago, you spouted nonsense about the future. I’ll show you’re still nobody after two years,” stated Xiaohu, Skypine Sword, the sword he depended on to defeat cultivators four layers above him, hovering beside him.

“I’d like to hear about it.”

It wouldn’t be a complete match if Xiaohu didn’t lampoon Dustfallen Sect. He replied, “Grey-rank disciples will always be grey-rank disciples. Joining a misfit of a sect and learning under a misfit doesn’t change the fact you’re another misfit.”

“That’s all? I’ve heard that before. I was hoping for something more constructive.”

Mu Yu already spent a day giving classes on face slapping. Fighting Xiaohu would be as tough as fighting a broom without his sword.

Xiaohu was annoyed Mu Yu didn’t take the bait. Expression savage, he continued, “You remember Old Man Xun? Every time I saw him at the academy, my eyes would feel sore because he’d protect you grey-rank disciples, forgetting he was in the same boat. I don’t like seeing him. I, therefore, led him to Fiend Forest and left him alone at a level two fiend’s base to feed the fiend. I don’t like grey-rank disciples or those who shield them. Someone who understands hierarchies should manage the academy.”

News of General Manager Xun’s death left Mu Yu’s mind blank. The elder told him protected him despite knowing Xiaohu was already revered and told Mu Yu things nobody else probably would’ve told him. Who would’ve thought a man who tried to protect others who had been in his shoes would meet his demise at the hands of someone with a grudge over something so minor. The elder led a harsh life, yet he couldn’t even have a nice ending.

Mu Yu hadn’t forgotten his promise to help General Manager Xun quit his job at the academy and retire in peace when he reached Golden Core Realm to repay the elder’s favour. He still remembered the elder expressing he would be more than happy to serve him. General Manager Xun said there were two ways to leave the academy: if a sect didn’t recruit them, they would have to die. Alas, it was too late. General Manager Xun was forced to choose the latter option.

Voice quavering, Mu Yu remarked, “You killed General Manager Xun.”

“Disobedient servants have no right to stay at the academy.” Xiaohu was elated he finally rattled Mu Yu.

“Understood,” said Mu Yu, exceptionally calm but with a grey qi stirring in his eyes. Unlike previously, the grey qi didn’t impact Mu Yu’s rationality.

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