Sword, Magic and Academic Society

Vol. 1 - Ch. 79 - Noble’s Gathering (3)

Viscountess Celia's hand and face were pale white as she smiled (internally raging).

There was no sign of bloodlust from her, if anything it was as if she wasn't even breathing. However, this was undoubtedly the omen of her fury.

Not only were they constantly voicing out their doubt about Allen's qualifications, but they even clearly dismissed the current report as nothing but a mere mistake. And for her, it was no different than touching her reverse scale.

When someone from the low hierarchy suddenly achieved the insurmountable, the top hierarchy was bound to follow with demeaning words. She knew that would be the case, however the level of criticism was out of her expectation. Viscount Bellwood was someone who would simply turn a deaf ear to mockery, but his wife, on the other hand......

—Haa, this is why I wanted to just stay in a corner of the hall.

Bellwood sighed internally and diverted the topic.

"Oh goodness, perhaps this city's air has rubbed off on me to speak more nonsense. Indeed, I am nothing more than a rural side farmer who only has a dingy bit of knowledge as a researcher, so there's that, wahaha!

And of course, there can't be any bigger embarrassment than to ask for additional research funds without putting up any chest-thumping achievement, and I don't plan to follow up on this foolishness as well.

Oh, right, right. I intended to ask Count Abenil about his earlier words. When Your Excellency said that I have sullied your honor, do you mean our Allen has done some discourtesy to you...?"

These words had just left Bellwood's mouth when Countess Abenil suddenly glared at him.

"I must say you're quite a shameless person who hides well behind his mask. Weren't you the one who said that it would already be a huge boon if your son even managed to qualify for Class E in the earlier spring's social event back at the Royal Capital? But looking at the result, your son has surpassed even our Parry-kun, making his way to No. 4 in the Class A knight course.

If that wasn't enough, he even beat down our son in front of everyone right at the first class and used him as a stepping stone. Just what do you intend to start with this sort of conduct?"

Count Nix Abenil hurriedly rebuked his wife.

"That's enough. Parry himself had said he wasn't strong enough.

There might be some discrepancy about the information on the Rovenne house, but the mock duel in itself had played out fair and square. A warrior must accept their loss."

"Haa, and who was the one loudly hollering 'I must tear apart that imposter's mask' until this morning?!

The eyewitnesses have confirmed that Allen Rovenne’s battle style was clearly specialized to deal with spears, even if just a bit. I do wonder why he would be training in anti-spear arts when it wasn't even part of the entrance exam's curriculum. If that wasn't enough, he is gaining the attention of the Young Lady as well. Someone sure has cleverly played their dice very well"

Bellwood was thoroughly confused hearing the cynical words of the Countess as she replied.

"Allen trained himself in anti-spear arts? I fear I have no inkling about this. Maybe there's some sort of misunderstanding at play here...?"

Countess turned her face away at the excuse, muttering 'Hmph, keep that obvious facade of yours.'

"......You must have sent Dio as Allen's escort ‘til the royal capital, right? I presume this is when he learned some of the basics. Dio's spearmanship is not bad."

Celia calmly filled in for Bellwood, her hands still pale white. Hearing that, Countess turned to give her a sharp glare as she put up a mocking smile.

"My, so an 'is not bad' guard managed to teach him enough to thrash my son, whose talent is touted to be the greatest in the Abenil family since its foundation, in a mere few days?

Who would have guessed that a bygone countryside actually hides so many national-level talents as if heaven has sent them, it’s certainly an eye-opener for me. Isn't there the rumoured private tutor as well? Many would surely like to jump in the river of reincarnation and be born in that place, don't you think so!?"

"That's enough! It doesn't matter what kind of backstory there is to it, a loss is a loss. You may have some doubts but this very duel took place in front of this kingdom's hero, Godorfun the Buddha. Never can injustice happen on his watch. Your sour words are only going to discredit Parry's hard work, Stop it at once."

Nix rebuked her wife with a sound argument, but when has logic ever worked against a mother sentimental about her child?

“Does it not frustrate you even a bit!? You have seen with your eyes how much hard work that child has put in so that he can support the Young Lady by her side, and yet! He is your offspring, he picked up the spear at the age of 2 seeing your back, the glorious victory that should have been his… And what do you see? Some no-name conman from the countryside suddenly appears and spoils the Abenil family's foremost achievement, spoiling his great moment of passing Class A!"

Countess glared at her husband with teary eyes. The atmosphere at the table couldn't have been any worse.

Everyone gazed at the Viscount couple with stern glares, as if saying everything that happened was their fault.

But taking no heed of such a situation, Meria Dragoon ordered the steward nearby to 'bring the last 15 years of data for Rovenne territory's farming tax' and then turned toward Bellwood to pose a question while grinning.

"Bellwood. I heard from my granddaughter that your son seemed more intent on transferring to Class E than Class A. Do you know anything about that?"

"Huh? Allen transferring to E-rank...? Pardon me, but everything related to the Academy has been left to him so I have no clue— actually I have no clue about what's happening in the Academy either. That idiot hasn't sent a single letter since after the result and getting into the dormitory. I have given up on counting on him for that."

A bitter expression floated on Bellwood's face as he scratched his head, truly giving up on the matter.

"Oh? I have only ever seen parents filled with the desire to support the child with everything they can, even if they have to temporarily take out a loan or even get every family member on board when they’ve passed for Class A, but...... Your son himself hardly seemed to have any attachment to the school, and I also don't feel as much enthusiasm considering your son has qualified for it, huh?"

Meria was grinning as she continued, but in the depths of her eyes, one could see a beast-like fierce glint.

"Oh heavens, no, of course not. The qualification for the Royal Academy has been long, long sought by the Rovenne family ever since its foundation. Our dearest wish from 700 years ago.

He's the type to make all sorts of long faces even for something like a once-in-a-year grave visit, so I can't say anything on his behalf but I for once am sure delighted in my heart.

It's just that everything escalated so quickly that I have yet to catch up with everything. And then the rumors about how our family tutor is suddenly a gem and all that flew up that threw us off guard, and we have just been swept with the flow since then.

......By the way, Allen has little attachment to the school? Did that guy really mess up somewhere in the end?"

Bellwood asked Marquis Dragoon with a trepid tone, and the latter replied delightedly.

"Oh dear, fret not. It's not enough to turn into a huge matter. His homeroom teacher just happened to be that shitty geezer Godorfun— the one mentioned just a while ago. By the way, he and I are fellow alumni of the Royal Academy.

Anyway, your son flamboyantly lashed out at that geezer when he was suspected of cheating in the exam, shouting 'Do you think I will plead to the Academy and shake my tail for you? I might be just some roadside stone from your perspective, but no matter who it is, I will crush all who dare to stand in my way!’.... or so I’ve heard."

A commotion suddenly broke out at the table.

"Ridiculous! He dared to pick a fight with the 'King's right-hand man', Godorfun Von Wangyus?!"

"He can easily crush the whole family like swatting a fly!"

"My lord! There is no telling what kind of disaster that perilous brat might bring to the Dragoon family if let loose like that! You should summon him quickly and drill him with the importance of ranking!"

Despite the sudden ruckus, the Marquis simply waved her hand while grinning, reigning in their opinion.

"I expected better from you people, it's shameful to see you all getting strung up with just that much. You all might as well learn from their son, this much was his greeting if anything. His exploits didn't end just there.

I heard he deliberately got himself into the general dormitory that's popularly called the 'Dog House,' despite having the right to stay in the noble's dormitory that comes with the Class A qualification stating that it would chip away at his discipline. And facing that, apparently, the rest of the Class A members moved to the general dormitory as well.

The Hill Road Club that he created has turned into a huge circle with over 100 members in a mere span of one month, and he is training them all. There are even some upperclassmen who joined the club to eagerly seek his instruction.

Or like how he led the Exploration Association's Vice-President, 'The enemy of the earth', and mine hunter, Satowa Fjord by his nose and forced him to bend the rule to let himself register as a G-rank explorer.

Not even a day had passed by that I hadn't heard their son's name in my earlier stay at the Royal Capital. He alone has made the people of the Dragoon family or any other major power's intelligence department run like dogs in just a short time. Isn't that achievement something to be proud of?"

Meria said with a grinning face, but that smile wasn't reaching her eyes.

"Just what has he done?......"

Bellwood was completely sprawled on the table. But Celia, on the other hand, couldn't have looked any more pleased, the rosy color returning to her hand and face.

"Oh my, it seems like Viscountess Rovenne doesn't look that surprised. Did you foresee this?"

Meria said, and looked at Viscountess Celia with a probing gaze.

"No, it has caught me by surprise indeed, My Lord. It's just—"

Celia stared right back into the eyes of the Marquis and replied.

"Is there any parent who wouldn't be delighted at their child's growth?"

She said, as a smile blossomed on her face like that of a young girl’s.

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