Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 80: The Chunin Exams - 6

Chapter 80: The Chunin Exams - 6

….More teams got up and left.

The seconds ticked by.

Naruto didn't speak up, in fact, a quick glance back at the blonde let Daiki see that the blonde was smirking smugly, arms crossed, completely immune to the oppressive atmosphere within the air.

'Naruto's not speaking up!' Daiki's eyes went wide.


No wait…was it because of him?

Naruto got all his answers this time around, thanks to the jutsu Sasuke got from Daiki himself and Daiki telling Naruto to cheat and working as an example for him to learn from!

That meant…!

His eyes flickered to a few tables behind Naruto, where Sakura sat. The cute pink haired girl was trembling, face pale, her eyes locked onto the back of Naruto himself.

He pushed chakra into his eyes and focused on her, '- Always acting like a fool who only knows one thing, Hokage, Hokage you always go on about. I'm sorry Naruto, that impossible dream of yours that means so much to you…I don't want to see it crushed.'

Her thoughts echoed through to his mind and Daiki grimaced. Both Sasuke and Naruto were in front of her, so they couldn't see her either.

She was totally dead set on giving up, though not for herself, or even Sasuke, but for Naruto, to protect his dream.

His respect for the girl went up a notch. She was looking like a real four out of ten now.

…But if he didn't do something, she was going to get them all disqualified.

For a moment, the thought went through to. To let her. If they weren't in the examines, Orochimaru couldn't mark Sasuke.

…Only then he realised that nothing stopped him from just following Sasuke to his house and doing it then. He was already in the village.

And if they didn't go through with this, they wouldn't get the training they did in the month leading up to the final round. They'd be vastly weaker. Daiki himself would probably have to deal with Gaara…

If that happened, there was literally nothing he could do to help out proper during the Crush to avoid the Sandaime dying. Not unless he full on wanted to reveal everything in his hat and go full Isobu Bijuu Mode and wreck shit.

And even then, it would make Naruto and Sasuke weaker over all for later, when shit really hit the fan.

Fucking hell…such a little thing could cause so many damn ripples!

Daiki ground his teeth for a moment, before sighing and deciding to intervene himself.

He placed his hand down out of view and concentrated, a rippling wave of chakra leaving his palm and spreading back through the room just as Sakura's arm began to raise.

'Calm down Sakura, it's a test, trust me, don't go giving up, you're better than that.' he transmitted through the Wave Transmission Jutsu.

Sakura froze a split second later, eyes widening minutely before her head whipped from Naruto's back to look at him.

She stared at him and he gave her a smirk, before winking and turning around.

'Daiki…you're speaking in my head?' Sakura's inner thoughts reached him.

'It's a jutsu I picked up and costs a lot of chakra, so just listen okay?' he transmitted.

'…Are you sure?' she fretted.

'Don't worry that nice and perky round ass of yours, Ibiki is talking shit, he doesn't have the power he's claiming he does, he's testing everyone's mettle here, basically, if you can't put your rank, a little thing like that on the line as a ninja, then you aren't qualified to be one.' he told her.

'…I see…wait, the hell do you mean perky round ass you pervert?!' she spluttered.

His smirk grew and he glanced over his shoulder at her, 'Well, it's a nice ass and those spandex shorts you like to wear show it off pretty well.' he transmitted once more, before cutting off his line to her thoughts.

Her cheeks went as pink as her hair and those green eyes of hers glared at him.

He turned back around and ignored her glare.

Heh, worth it.

Thankfully from there, things progressed much in the same way they had in the other timeline from what he remembered, Ibiki passing everyone who stuck around and explaining the point behind the tenth question, most getting riled up and pissed off, and then him taking off his bandana to show off his skull, wrought with scar tissue, burn marks and holes from outright screws being screwed into his head.

It was a horrifying sight, much more horrifying in person and Daiki had to admit, the fact the man endured that kind of torture and escaped to come back in person, was worthy of admiration.

Ibiki was a real badass for sure. Not as badass as Daiki himself, but a badass nonetheless.

..Actually, if he remembered right, it was Rokusho Aoi that tortured him like that before abandoning the village and joining the Hidden Rain.

Daiki made a mental note to torture that traitorous fuck head and go full on Tobirama on his ass if he ever found him, maybe shove the Raijin down his throat and electrocute him from the inside out while he was at it.

He was broken from his thoughts by a speedy black blur smashing through the window, glass raining across the classroom.

The black blur unravelled into a banner with white letters, while landing on her feet before it, was Anko Mitarashi, and dayum what a body that lady had on her.

The mesh under her open trench coat was a lot thicker than he thought it would be, so her skin underneath wasn't in full view, but it didn't hide any of her shape at all, he could easily make out every contour of her breasts despite the thickness of the mesh, and damn did she have some big titties, she even had Kurenai beaten out.

"You fools, this is no time to be celebrating!" Anko barked, eyes narrowed into a furious glare, "My name is Anko Mitarashi, the proctor for the second exam, now follow me!"

Nobody moved, just staring at the woman that appeared out of nowhere and started making demands.

Daiki mentally shrugged and stood up, time to get a move on. 'I could have sworn she said something about being sexy and single at some point.' he thought.

She was a lot more hardcore here it seemed.

Or was he just actually remembering wrong?

As he got up, others took it as their cue and copied him.

"Hey, Ibiki, the hell is this?" Anko glared at the bald first proctor, "There's a full damn twenty six teams left, you goin' easy on them or something?"

Ibiki shrugged and gave a snort, "We've got a few interesting ones this time around." he replied vaguely, eyes meeting Daiki's for a moment before looking away.

Anko followed his gaze and met Daiki's eyes as well, one eyebrow raising up. "That so?" she grunted.

How unladylike.

Them tits though.

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