Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 81: The Chunin Exams - 7

Chapter 81: The Chunin Exams - 7

Sakura had quite the stink eye for him when they all left the academy behind. And it probably wasn't helped by the fact that he was behind her the entire way.

The pink haired girl kept looking over her shoulder and scrunching her face up into a pouty glare, which was not at all intimidating. It was all the more amusing when taken into account that she was trying to 'subtly' keep her arms crossed behind her back, with her palms hanging over her backside to hide it from view.

Both because one, her top already came down over her shorts, so unless it was really windy or she was pulling some acrobatic movements, it would block her spandex clad booty from view. And second, her hands were much too small to hide the dump truck she had back there.

Either way, it gave him a good little laugh.

That may have incensed her a little bit more.

Oh well.

It didn't take long before they all arrived at training ground forty four, a few stragglers taking a bit longer than the rest to make it, mostly foreign teams who didn't know the layout of the village well.

…The last to arrive being a certain grass team.

Daiki didn't even bother giving them any special attention. He already knew what he needed to know after all.

Instead, he was much more interested in how unpredictable someone could be, by being utterly predictable.

When Anko saw that everyone had arrived and began explaining the specifics of the second exam and the Forest of Death, Naruto decided to loudly run his mouth about how unafraid he was of the place.

Leading to a familiar sequence of events, kunai slicing cheek, hot lady licking the blood from the cut from behind a second later and a certain grass ninja creeping up to hand the kunai back…with their tongue.

'Maybe I should have bragged instead?' Daiki mused as he filled in the waiver he'd been handed by one of the chunin proctor helpers, sure he'd have to downplay his abilities for it to go the same, but them tits though, and Anko had been pressing them right up against the back of the lucky blonde's head.

…Was that Naruto's plan all along? It would make sense, since he hadn't expected him to run his mouth when he hadn't at the end of the first exam.

If so, he had to hand it to Naruto. He deserved a pat on the back for that move. He'd give him one later.

He met the blonde's eye and gave him a thumbs up.

Naruto gave him a confused look, before grinning right back at him and flashing him a thumbs up in return.

Daiki nodded, before looking away.

His eyes drifted to the booth that had been set up in front of the Forest of Death, where each team would enter, hand over their waiver that had them consenting to the fact that Konoha was not going to be held accountable if they died a miserable and pathetic death in the forest and be given either an earth or heaven scroll.

He hadn't really been paying attention to the teams entering and leaving, he'd be picking his target once everyone was ready…

But his interest was definitely piqued by the team that made their way out at that second.

Looking at them, they didn't seem all that impressive. A pair of dull haired boys, one with grey hair, another with light lavender, one tall and thin, the other shorter than Daiki and very pale, almost unhealthily so.

It was the girl that grabbed his interest though. She looked to be a few years older than him, probably around sixteen at the most, with fair skin and a dusting of freckles over the bridge of her nose, a pair of cute lavender eyes and brown hair tied up into a ponytail with two strands hanging over her forehead. She wore a pink blouse, with a turquoise and red patterned dress, which she filled out quite nicely, while a pair of pink chaps drew the eye to her long fair skinned legs.

She was cute for sure, and he liked her hairstyle a lot, like Anko's, but cuter, more peppy. It wasn't her looks that really drew him in though, it was that he recognised her, and the symbol on the headband around her forehead.

She was from Hoshigakure, the Village Hidden In The Stars, and if he remembered right, she was the chick that ended up with a crush on Naruto. He remembered her specifically, because she was pretty stand out in attitude, had been willing to stand against her village leader and all the gathered shinobi of her village to stand up for her friends and Naruto and such.

'The Mysterious Peacock Method, huh?' Daiki mused, pushing chakra into his eyes and examining the girl and her teammates. Their chakra was much more dense and powerful than most people here, well above the rank and file fodder.

It came at a cost of course, the girls two teammates, their chakra was fluctuating pretty consistently, and damaging their coils, one of them even had the their chakra itself growing so out of alignment it was forming patches of chakra on his skin that was damaging his body.

'The seal I've been working on for the Stone of Gelel might work on that meteorite as well.' he mused. He'd designed it with the help of Isobu specifically making his Bijuu chakra harmful to him, to filter out any harmful properties and purify it into something beneficial.

He put them out of mind for the moment as he was called over to the booth to grab his scroll.

Anko looked up at him as he entered from where she was sitting, before an eyebrow raised, "Well, look who it is," she smirked, "If it ain't mister special himself, the kid with the eyes of the Hokage himself."

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